OpenWrt 筆記
Important note before installation
Officeal Failsafe: Failsafe Note:
Set your anther router as dumbAP:
1. Secure Your Router
Read This: a non-privileged user in OpenWrt
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install shadow-useradd
root@openwrt:~# useradd nicolaus
root@openwrt:~# passwd nicolaus
root@openwrt:~# mkdir /home/nicolaus
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/passwd
root@openwrt:~# opkg install sudo
root@openwrt:~# visudo
請依照你喜好更改config。root@openwrt:~# opkg install shadow-useradd
root@openwrt:~# useradd nicolaus
root@openwrt:~# passwd nicolaus
root@openwrt:~# mkdir /home/nicolaus
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/passwd
root@openwrt:~# opkg install sudo
root@openwrt:~# visudo
Install sftp function - add to dropbear
root@openwrt:~# opkg install openssh-sftp-server
然后就行了。Install Bash and Screen
TP-Link WR703N OpenWrt post installation tips
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install bash
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/passwd
Then you can either use your own .bashrc or download the one that I use (I got it from Arch wiki a few years ago) and put it in your root directory like this (if you would like to use your own .bashrc, make sure to put it in /root as well):root@openwrt:~# opkg install bash
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/passwd
# Then edit /etc/passwd and change the root user line to this: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashroot@openwrt:~# echo ". $HOME/.bashrc" > /root/.bash_profile
root@openwrt:~# wget -P /root/
Now log out, and log in again and you should have a brand new prompt.Now it is time to install screen (GNU Screen)
root@openwrt:~# opkg update && opkg install screen
Download Useful tools
root@openwrt:~# opkg install vim fdisk e2fsprogs ntfs-3g
買了張32g usb , 要加大router 容量以供proxy 使用, ntfs-3g mount ntfs HD 之用Prepare your USB (For AA only, what's AA?)雖然插了USB 這時候還未認到. 要加入USB mod
USB 1.x and 2.x
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install kmod-usb-storage
root@openwrt:~# opkg install kmod-usb-uhci
root@openwrt:~# insmod usbcore
root@openwrt:~# insmod uhci
root@openwrt:~# opkg install kmod-usb2
root@openwrt:~# insmod ehci-hcd
root@openwrt:~# opkg install block-mount kmod-fs-ext4 libext2fs
我試左好耐都認唔到個USB ,原來係未有認到個format, 所以要format左 USB 先認到。root@openwrt:~# opkg install kmod-usb-storage
root@openwrt:~# opkg install kmod-usb-uhci
root@openwrt:~# opkg install kmod-usb2
root@openwrt:~# opkg install block-mount kmod-fs-ext4 libext2fs
root@openwrt:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
root@openwrt:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt[]=rootfsroot@openwrt:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
root@openwrt:~# mkdir -p /tmp/cproot
root@openwrt:~# mount --bind / /tmp/cproot
root@openwrt:~# tar -C /tmp/cproot -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt -x
root@openwrt:~# umount /tmp/cproot
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/fstab
我用的方法是Pivot-rootroot@openwrt:~# mount --bind / /tmp/cproot
root@openwrt:~# tar -C /tmp/cproot -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt -x
root@openwrt:~# umount /tmp/cproot
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/fstab
[...] For AA or BB config mount option target / option device /dev/sda1 option fstype ext4 option options rw,sync option enabled 1 option enabled_fsck 0 [...]root@openwrt:~# reboot
後來發現如果用這個方法,我的Buffalo 會很容易死機,但另一部TP-Link 反而沒有問題。所以請有心理預備。
Prepare your USB (For CC)
root@openwrt:~# opkg update ; opkg install block-mount kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-usb-storage-extras
root@openwrt:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; tar -C /overlay -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt -xf - ; umount /mnt
root@openwrt:~# block detect > /etc/config/fstab; \
sed -i s/option$'\t'enabled$'\t'\'0\'/option$'\t'enabled$'\t'\'1\'/ /etc/config/fstab; \
sed -i s#/mnt/sda1#/overlay# /etc/config/fstab; \
cat /etc/config/fstab;
root@openwrt:~# reboot
root@openwrt:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; tar -C /overlay -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt -xf - ; umount /mnt
root@openwrt:~# block detect > /etc/config/fstab; \
sed -i s/option$'\t'enabled$'\t'\'0\'/option$'\t'enabled$'\t'\'1\'/ /etc/config/fstab; \
sed -i s#/mnt/sda1#/overlay# /etc/config/fstab; \
cat /etc/config/fstab;
root@openwrt:~# reboot
安裝Proxy server
呢個係筆記,當然試完之試,第一次我你用squid + Dansguardian + openDNS 不過反應唔係太好,Squid 功能大之餘,不過因為用usb read write cache file, 速度其慢,故要改做no cache mode 先快一點。因為上網速度的樽頸己去左寫落usb 到。Dansgardian 有content filter 殺手之稱,不過不用左,可能我setup 唔全面,好多圖比佢去左,變得好怪。
OpenDNS 原理係好,不過太慢,可能我要clone 左佢個dns database 落嚟自己個openwrt 先可行。
Test #1: Squid
Transparent Proxy using SquidOpenWRT Squid transparent configuration
root@openwrt:~# mkdir /var/squid/cache
root@openwrt:~# mkdir /var/squid/logs
root@openwrt:~# chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/squid
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
root@openwrt:~# mkdir /var/squid/logs
root@openwrt:~# chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/squid
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
More useful information
Accesslog problem: squid boot script into /etc/init.d:
remember the don't set it transparent
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/squid enable
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/squid start
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/squid start
Test #2: Install dansguardian
root@openwrt:~# opkg install dansguardian
setup dansguardian at /var/dansguardian/
setup iprule to redirect to Web -> Dans -> Squid -> Internet
vi /etc/config/firewall
redirect ip from port 80 to 8080
Improve performance of Dansguardian & Squid 發現增加了DansGuardian 的conf performance 不是增加太多,原來是router 本身的Hard ware 同 usb 的read write speed 太慢,故以關掉caching 反而可以提速。
如果用 DansGuardian+Squid 在squid.conf 內的 http_port 就要唔用transparent. 若果不用Dansguardian 就要加返,如果唔係會出Error
[...] 2014/12/13 15:22:43| clientTryParseRequest: FD 12 ( Invalid Request [...]
Test #3: 安裝OpenDNS
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/wan
config interface 'wan'
[...] Add this
option dns ''
[...] Add this
option dns ''
Edit Firewall setting
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/firewall
config rule
option src 'lan'
option dest 'wan'
option name 'Block DNS from LAN to WAN'
option dest_port '53'
option target 'REJECT'
config rule
option src 'lan'
option dest 'wan'
option name 'Block DNS from LAN to WAN'
option dest_port '53'
option target 'REJECT'
Install DDNS Package
root@openwrt:~# opkg install luci-app-ddns
以下為AA 筆記... 現在可在luci-DDNS 內直選用dnsomatic update 了。
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/ddns
config service 'myddns'
option interface 'wan'
option force_interval '72'
option force_unit 'hours'
option check_interval '10'
option check_unit 'minutes'
option retry_interval '60'
option retry_unit 'seconds'
option ip_source 'web'
option username 'USERNAME'
option update_url 'https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG'
option password 'PASSWORD'
option enabled '1'
option domain 'Home'
option interface 'wan'
option force_interval '72'
option force_unit 'hours'
option check_interval '10'
option check_unit 'minutes'
option retry_interval '60'
option retry_unit 'seconds'
option ip_source 'web'
option username 'USERNAME'
option update_url 'https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG'
option password 'PASSWORD'
option enabled '1'
option domain 'Home'
發現有太多warning.. 試下用openDNS 提供的script
Test #4: Privoxy
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install privoxy
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/privoxy/config
[...] listen-address accept-intercepted-requests 1 permit-access
option debug_1 '1' option debug_512 '1' option debug_1024 '1' option debug_4096 '1' option debug_8192 '1'
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/privoxy enable
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/privoxy start
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/firewall
[...] #transpart proxy for privoxy config redirect option proto 'tcp' option target 'DNAT' option dest 'lan' option name 'transparent-proxy for HTTP' option src 'lan' option dest_port '8118' option src_dport '80' option dest_ip '' option src_dip '!' [...]
To better protected by privoxy, one of the great tools is up-to-date block list. There is a great adblock filter provide by adblock plus. When I google the web, find out 2 scripts to convert the adblock plus filter (easy list) but I think they are copied from the same source.
They both copy the adblock plus list and convert it to privoxy format.
1. get essentals
2. get bash (see previous note)
1. Get up-to-date wget version and get wget support SSL
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install coreutils-install wget bash sed
root@openwrt:~# opkg install coreutils-install wget bash sed
Create Certificate Directory wget/lib -SSL certificate directory:
mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs
So wget knows where to look, update /etc/profile and add the line:
root@openwrt:~# export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
root@openwrt:~# opkg install ca-certificates
Update shell:
root@openwrt:~# source /etc/profileroot@openwrt:~# opkg install ca-certificates
Install the script
root@openwrt:~# cd /etc/privoxy
root@openwrt:~# wget --no-check-certificate root@openwrt:~# chmod +x
root@openwrt:~# sed -i s/^SCRIPTCONF.*/SCRIPTCONF=\\/etc\\/privoxy\\/blocklist.conf/
Create the block list conf and edit it
root@openwrt:~# wget --no-check-certificate root@openwrt:~# chmod +x
root@openwrt:~# sed -i s/^SCRIPTCONF.*/SCRIPTCONF=\\/etc\\/privoxy\\/blocklist.conf/
root@openwrt:~# touch /etc/privoxy/blocklist.conf
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/privoxy/blocklist.conf
# Config of privoxy-blocklist
# array of URL for AdblockPlus lists
# for more sources just add it within the round brackets
"" "" "" "" ""
# config for privoxy initscript providing PRIVOXY_CONF, PRIVOXY_USER and PRIVOXY_GROUP
# !! if the config above doesn't exist set these variables here !!
# !! These values will be overwritten by INIT_CONF !!
# name for lock file (default: script name)
TMPNAME="$(basename ${0})"
# directory for temporary files
# Debug-level
# -1 = quiet
# 0 = normal
# 1 = verbose
# 2 = more verbose (debugging)
# 3 = incredibly loud (function debugging)
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/privoxy/blocklist.conf
# Config of privoxy-blocklist
# array of URL for AdblockPlus lists
# for more sources just add it within the round brackets
"" "" "" "" ""
# config for privoxy initscript providing PRIVOXY_CONF, PRIVOXY_USER and PRIVOXY_GROUP
# !! if the config above doesn't exist set these variables here !!
# !! These values will be overwritten by INIT_CONF !!
# name for lock file (default: script name)
TMPNAME="$(basename ${0})"
# directory for temporary files
# Debug-level
# -1 = quiet
# 0 = normal
# 1 = verbose
# 2 = more verbose (debugging)
# 3 = incredibly loud (function debugging)
china list added FYI.
Then, run the script and download the all action & filter files
root@openwrt:~# bash /etc/privoxy/
Edit the privoxy conf file
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/privoxy
list actionsfile 'easyprivacy.script.action'
list filterfile 'easyprivacy.script.filter'
list actionsfile 'fanboy-social.script.action'
list filterfile 'fanboy-social.script.filter'
#list actionsfile 'easylist.script.action'
list actionsfile 'malwaredomains_full.script.action'
#list filterfile 'easylist.script.filter'
list filterfile 'malwaredomains_full.script.filter'
#list actionsfile 'chinalist+easylist.script.action'
#list filterfile 'chinalist+easylist.script.filter'
list actionsfile 'easyprivacy.script.action'
list filterfile 'easyprivacy.script.filter'
list actionsfile 'fanboy-social.script.action'
list filterfile 'fanboy-social.script.filter'
#list actionsfile 'easylist.script.action'
list actionsfile 'malwaredomains_full.script.action'
#list filterfile 'easylist.script.filter'
list filterfile 'malwaredomains_full.script.filter'
#list actionsfile 'chinalist+easylist.script.action'
#list filterfile 'chinalist+easylist.script.filter'
## easylist is comment out as it will crash the privoxy function
set cron job for regular downlaod.
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/crontabs/root
0 12 * * 0 bash /etc/privoxy/ && /etc/init.d/privoxy restart
Install samba
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install luci-app-samba
root@openwrt:~# opkg install samba36-server
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/firewall
# change workgroups
# enable start up when reboot
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/samba enable
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/firewall restart
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/samba start
root@openwrt:~# opkg install luci-app-samba
root@openwrt:~# opkg install samba36-server
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/firewall
[...] config 'rule' option 'src' 'lan' option 'proto' 'udp' option 'dest_port' '137-138' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' config 'rule' option 'src' 'lan' option 'proto' 'tcp' option 'dest_port' '139' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' config 'rule' option 'src' 'lan' option 'proto' 'tcp' option 'dest_port' '445' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' [...]root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/config/samba
# change workgroups
# enable start up when reboot
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/samba enable
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/firewall restart
root@openwrt:~# /etc/init.d/samba start
Install Bittorrent Client - Transmission
root@openwrt:~# opkg update
root@openwrt:~# opkg install transmission-daemon transmission-cli transmission-web transmission-remote luci-app-transmission
Got some problem in error logroot@openwrt:~# opkg install transmission-daemon transmission-cli transmission-web transmission-remote luci-app-transmission
root@openwrt:~# logread
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/sysctl.con
[...] Dec 13 23:34:04 OpenWrt daemon.err transmission-daemon[17437]: UDP Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 327680 (tr-udp.c:77) Dec 13 23:34:04 OpenWrt daemon.err transmission-daemon[17437]: UDP Failed to set send buffer: requested 1048576, got 327680 (tr-udp.c:88) [...]add value as log suggested
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/sysctl.con
[...] #for bittorrent net.core.rmem_max = 4194304 net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
[...] start() {
config load 'transmission' config foreach start_instance 'transmission' } [...]
root@openwrt:~# vi /etc/init.d/transmission
[...] start_service() {
if [ "$(ls -A /mnt)" ]; then
echo start service
echo [Panic!] exit as no usb mount!!
echo start service
echo [Panic!] exit as no usb mount!!
config load 'transmission' config foreach start_instance 'transmission' } [...]
Install minidlna
root@openwrt:~# opkg install minidlna
root@openwrt:~# opkg install luci-app-minidlna
無用到,發現這個minidlna 不太支援 mp4,太多片看不到。
root@openwrt:~# opkg install luci-app-minidlna