[Openwrt] Wifi Schedule via cron (No package required)
Reference: https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=49797
1. Find out your wireless iface name.
From the result, we know that the wireless iface is@wifi-iface[0].
2. Edit crontab to start schedule service.
3. if you are interested, you can use remote ssh command to turn on|off all your wifi in your home network. Write a script and loop through all your network router.
Please read Pubkey connect from Dropbear
1. Find out your wireless iface name.
root@openwrt ~ uci show wireless
From the result, we know that the wireless iface is
2. Edit crontab to start schedule service.
root@openwrt ~ cat /etc/crontabs/root
30 0 * * * uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].disabled=1 && uci commit wireless && wifi
30 6 * * * uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].disabled=0 && uci commit wireless && wifi
30 0 * * * uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].disabled=1 && uci commit wireless && wifi
30 6 * * * uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].disabled=0 && uci commit wireless && wifi
3. if you are interested, you can use remote ssh command to turn on|off all your wifi in your home network. Write a script and loop through all your network router.
Please read Pubkey connect from Dropbear