轉貼自www.douglasjacoby.com, 有關末日和耶穌回來的問題

Q&A 235 – Bible contradiction about the end of the world

Bible contradiction about end of world

我有一個有關馬太福音十章23節,我搜尋過你的網站,但我找不到有關的討論。我希望知道你的看法?看來這段經文是有點矛盾,因為說你們還沒有走遍,人子就到了。但在聖經其他的地方便說耶穌不會會來如果其他民族未曾聽過耶穌。這個問題令我很困惑,第一是由於經文的表面矛盾,第二是我自己相信耶穌會在任何時間會回來,第三我也相信這個世界有一些人真的未曾知道耶穌! 我想知道你的看法。

“My question is about Matthew 10:23. I searched your website and did not see where you had discussed it before. I was wondering what you thought about it? It seems contradictory when it says that they will not be finished going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes, and yet elsewhere it says that Jesus will not come back until all nations have had a chance to hear of him. This is confusing to me for a couple of reasons, one being the seeming contradiction. The other is when I hear Christians say that Jesus could come back at any time, which I do believe, but at the same time I know there are people out there who have not had a chance to hear about Jesus. Can you please tell me what you think about this?”


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